Inside Job 9/11 - Die Jahrtausendlüge jährt sich zum 16. Mal
Auch nach 16 Jahren halten die Machthaber und Mainstreammedien an der Jahrtausendlüge bezüglich der Attentate vom 11. September 2001 in den USA fest.
Dabei ist jedem Mensch mit nur etwas Schulbildung glasklar, dass die offizielle Lügenversion der politischen Klasse im Westen und der Lügenmedien nicht stimmen kann.
Aber so wie sich über Jahrhunderte die verordnete kirchliche Weltsicht hielt, dass die Erde eine Scheibe und keine Kugel zu sein habe, hält sich auch im 21. Jahrhundert eine solche Wissenschaftslüge beharrlich - trotz aller Aufklärung und trotz Internet kann die Lüge weiterhin zu einer Wahrheit verformt werden.
Soviel vorweg - Nicht Osama Bin Laden, der nachweislich jahrelang für die US Regierung gearbeitet hat, war der Attentäter sondern die Regierung selber hat die Attentate - getarnt als Militärmanöver . selber inszeniert und so verschleiert und die WTC Türme ohne jeden Zweifel kontrolliert zur Explosion gebracht.
Fortsetzung folgt
Im Anhang einige wichtige Dokumente zu den Geschehnissen vom 11. September 2001
- Rapid onset of destruction,
- Constant acceleration at or near free-fall through what should have been the path of greatest resistance,
- Numerous eyewitness accounts of explosions including 118 FDNY personnel,
- Lateral ejection of multi-ton steel framing members distances of 600 feet at more than 60 mph,
- Mid-air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete, and large volumes of expanding pyroclastic-like dust clouds,
- Isolated explosive ejections 20 to 60 stories below the “crush zone,”
- Total destruction and dismemberment of all three buildings, with 220 floors each an acre in size missing from the Twin Towers’ debris pile,
- Several tons of molten steel/iron found in the debris piles,
- Evidence of thermite incendiaries on steel beams,
- Nanothermite composites and iron microspheres found in WTC dust samples.
Articles by AE911Truth
The following articles discuss and analyze the evidence for explosive controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and WTC 7. While most of these articles are intended for a general audience, the articles under “Technical Critiques of the NIST Reports” are geared toward readers with greater technical knowledge.
World Trade Center Building 7
- Evidence for the Explosive Demolition of World Trade Center Building 7 on 9/11
- Freefall and Building 7 on 9/11
- How Did They Know? Examining the Foreknowledge of Building 7’s Destruction
Twin Towers
- Twin Towers Evidence Blows Away Fire Collapse Theory
- Lack of Deceleration of North Tower’s Upper Section Proves Use of Explosives
- What was the Molten Metal Seen Pouring Out of the South Tower Minutes Before its Collapse?
- High Temperatures, Persistent Heat & 'Molten Steel' at WTC Site Contradict Official Story
- Billions of Previously Molten Iron Spheres in WTC Dust, Reveal Use of Thermitic Materials
- Advanced Pyrotechnic or Explosive Material Discovered in WTC Dust
- Evidence Destroyed is Justice Denied
Technical Critiques of the NIST Reports
25 Points of Specific Concern in the NIST WTC Reports
- [PDF]
- The NIST Analyses - A Close Look at WTC 7
- How NIST Avoided a Real Analysis of the Physical Evidence of WTC Steel
Critique of Popular Mechanics
The Psychology of 9/11
Psychology Experts Speak Out: “Why is the 9/11 Evidence Difficult for Some to Accept?”
- [PDF]
Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—About 9/11? A 20-Part Series
- [PDF]
Table of World Trade Center Tower A Drawings
Table of World Trade Center Tower A Architectural Drawings
Table of World Trade Center Tower A Electrical Drawings
Other Technical Articles
- Chris Sarns Rebuts Dave Thomas Paper
- Extremely High Temperatures & Molten Metal Evidence
- Controlled Demolitions of High-Rise Buildings
- CTBUH Questions NIST Draft Report
- Major High-Rise Fires
- Molten Steel Witnesses